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  Welcome to my website! Thanks for visiting, and please come back because I keep updating the contents frequently. This website reflects my journey so far in this planet, my research life and overall vision.

   It also directs you to different aspects of my scientific work, multidisciplinary projects I am involved in, articles, talks, reviews of recent readings and travels. 

   At different places you will find audiovisuals, demos on research works, downloadable articles, presentation and software!

     Hope you find the stuff interesting and do send me any comments and suggestions!

Recent News
Beast's day out- After the 2020 Strawberry season was washed out due to the pandemic, we have hit the fields again in 2021. See the trailor of the Beasts Day out (Septemenr 2021) here!

SMART project-  I have an open position for a talented PostDoc/Research officer to work on a new Innovate UK KTP to develop collaborative robots for assembling sandwiches in food production lines (hit by the pandemic due to labour, social distancing among coworkers)- Cobotics can offer an innovative solution. Job Pack here, Deadline is Feb 16th 2021! Please Get in touch for more Info!! SMART stands for- Sandwich Making Autonomous Robotic Technology.

Many congratulations to Penny for being awarded Innovate UK and Prince's Trust Young Innovator award 2020/21 for her Project RoboNurse4NHS!! Robotics in social care will have great impact on society and more power to her project that builds on her PhD i.e CareOBot!! Hope both humans and robots cooperate in this adventure!!
I have two fully funded PhD studnetships starting April 2021, details here-  Robot Skill Aquisition and Shared Autonomy, Bridging the Simulation vs Reality gap in Robotics - Get in touch if you need more information!

Funded by Innovate UK ISCF on transforming food production April 12th 2021 we will kick start an ambitious 2 year project called 'Versatile' that will explore Autonomous robotic harvesting of 'Strawberry, Tomato and Aubergine' in vertical growing systems!!!!! Verstile aims to bring in much needed 'Versatality' in Agricultural Robotics!! More info soon and cannot wait to start!

Tiptree strawberries from the eyes of a Robot-here!
'Our streets Basildon App' for waste recycling developed by CSEE student just released on World Environment Day- info here!!

Watch my 'Talks and Tasters' Webinar on Robotics at Essex  here!
Often Synergies are associated with Muscles and Actions with Movements- Read my new article on dexterous action generation in humans and robots that explores the opposite viewpoint. Really excited to receive peer commentary from some of the leading scientists from both Neuroscience and Robotics. Full article, Peer Commentary and my response can be found here

Our research featured in 'The Future of Food 2040' report of the National Farmers Union !!
Ongoing Science
Collaborative Robots for Soft Fruit  Harvesting
Swift Cause-Effect learning and Common sense reasoning in Cognitive robots
Robot Episodic Memory - Connecting the dots of Experience....
With Wilkin and Sons, Tiptree , Essex we are trying to explore robotic solutions to the 'Berry Big Problem' !! Research looks  at 'dexterous and soft' bimaual manipulation, perception, learning and human robot symbiosis in challenging  agricultural environments.  More information
Motion control for Laser Cutting
Reenacting playful experiments related to 'learning, reasoning, creativity' shown by animals on developmental robots, we are exploring cognitive architectures that will enable robots to 'act, interact, learn and reason' effectively in a complex world of objects, actions, causal relations, choices and People! More info
We are building a new robot called 'the Beast' at Essex - see design and ongoing work !
My work on bioinspired Robot episodic memory  enables Cumualtivley learning robots to effectively connect the dots between the remembered 'past' , the 'present context and the potential 'future' and hence plan goal oriented behaviors. Such memories are also partially transferable to other robots  (as the video shows). More info here
CE101 YouTube Channel

CE101 YouTube Channel

Watch Now
The YouTube channel of my Module shows Amazing Robotics projects that First year students do at Essex..(another 40 projects videos to be added soon!!) Click   to choose videos to play..
Essex Challenge Week coordinated by me for last three years (2017-) won the  Excellence in Education award of University of Essex! The vision is to give an 'Impossible is Nothing' experience to First years- During their first five days!!  My presentation on what Challenge Week is about can be found here

© Vishwanathan Mohan


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