Full Publication List
I International journals
Sandini G, Mohan V, Sciutti A and Morasso P (2018) Social Cognition for Human-Robot Symbiosis—Challenges and Building Blocks. Front. Neurorobot. 12:34. doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2018.00034
Mohan,V., Bhat,A., Morasso,P. (2018). Muscleless motor synergies and Actions without movements- From motor neuroscience to cognitive robotics. Physics of Life Reviews. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plrev.2018.04.005.
Mohan,V., Bhat,A. (2018). Goal-Directed Reasoning and Cooperation in Robots in Shared Workspaces: an Internal Simulation Based Neural Framework. Cognitive Computation, 1866-9956, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12559-018-9553-1
Bhat, A., Mohan, V., Sandini, G., Morasso, P. (2016). Humanoid robot infers Archimedes’ principle:Understanding physical relations and object affordances through cumulative learning experiences. Royal Society Interface. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2016.0310
Bhat, A., Mohan, V., Morasso, P., Akkaladevi, S., Sandini, G, Eitzinger, C. (2016). Towards a learnt neural body schema for dexterous coordination of action in humanoid and industrial robots, Autonomous Robots (DOI: 10.1007/s10514-016-9563-3) [PDF].
Morasso P, Casadio M, Mohan V, Rea F, Zenzeri J (2015) Revisiting the body-schema concept in the context of Whole-Body Postural-Focal Dynamics. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00083. [PDF]
Mohan V, Morasso P, Sandini G. (2014). A neural framework for organization of episodic memory in cumulatively learning baby humanoids. Neural Computation. MIT Press .Vol. 26, No 12:2692-2734. [PDF]
Lyon C., Nehaniv, C., Saunders, J., Mohan, V., et al, (2016) “Embodied language learning and cognitive bootstrapping: Methods and design principles”, International Journal of Advanced Robotics Systems. [PDF]
Broz F., Nehaniv C., Belpaeme T., Bisio A., Dautenhahn K., Fadiga L., Ferrauto T., Fischer K., Foester F., Gigliotta O., Griffiths S.S., Lehmann H., Lohan K.S., Lyon C., Marocco D., Massera G., Metta G., Mohan V., Morse A., Nolfi S., Nori F., Peniak M., Pitsch K., Rohlfing K.J., Sagerer G., Sato Y., Saunders J., Schillingmann L., Sciutti A., Tikhanoff V., Wrede B., Zeschel A. & Cangelosi A. 2014, ‘The ITALK Project: A Developmental Robotics Approach to the Study of Individual, Social, and Linguistic Learning.’, Topics in Cognitive Science. Volume 6, Issue 3, pages 534–544, July 2014. [PDF]
Mohan V., Bhat A.A., Sandini G., Morasso P. (2014) From Object-Action to Property-Action: Learning causally dominant properties through cumulative explorative interactions. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, Vol 10, 42-50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bica.2014.11.006. [PDF]
Mohan V, Morasso P, Sandini G, Kasderidis S (2013) Inference through embodied simulation in cognitive robots. Cognitive Computation, vol. 5, no.1, DOI 10.1007/s12559-013-9205-4. [PDF]
Mohan V, Morasso P (2011) Passive Motion Paradigm: an alternative to Optimal Control. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, Vol. 5, Art. 4, pp. 1-28. [PDF]
Mohan V, Morasso P (2011) Can Passive Motion be used for Active Inference? Revisiting the Chicken or Egg dilemma. Comment to the article “What is optimal about Motor Control?” by Karl Friston, Neuron, Vol. 72, Issue 3, 488-498, 3 November 2011.
Mohan V, Morasso P, Metta G, Kasderidis S (2011) The distribution of rewards in growing sensory-motor maps. Neurocomputing, 74:3440-55.
Mohan V, Morasso P, Zenzeri J, Metta G, Chakravarthy VS, Sandini G (2011) Teaching a humanoid robot to draw 'Shapes'. Autonomous Robots, 31(1), 21-53. [PDF]
Morasso P, Casadio M, Mohan V, Zenzeri J (2010) A neural mechanism of synergy formation for whole body reaching. Biological Cybernetics. 102:45-55. [PDF]
Zenzeri J, De Santis D, Mohan V, Casadio M, Morasso P (2013) Using the Functional Reach Test for Probing the Static Stability of Bipedal Standing in Humanoid Robots Based on the Passive Motion Paradigm. Hindawi J Robotics, Volume 2013, Article ID 126570.
Zenzeri, J., Basteris, A., Kostić,M., Popović, D., Mohan, V., Sanguineti, V., Morasso, P.(2011). Transferring complex motor skills from an expert to a novice through robotics platforms: A new methodology to approach neuromotor rehabilitation. Gait & Posture 33, S51-S52
Mohan V, Morasso P, Metta G, Sandini G (2009) A biomimetic, force-field based computational model for motion planning and bimanual coordination in humanoid robots. Autonomous Robots, 27:291-307.
Mohan V, Morasso P (2007) Towards reasoning and coordinating action in the mental space. International Journal of Neural Systems, 17, 4,1-13.
Mohan,V., Joshi, Y.V., Anand, I. (2004). Studies on an Electronic analog of a Recurrent Neural Network with retrieval Phase weight adaptations, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics.
Mohan,V., Varma, P., Joge, A. (2004). Efficient datapath design using 6*6 Conservative Reversible Logic, WSEAS Journal of Circuits and Systems, Vol 3, ISBN11092734.
II Book Chapters (Invited, Peer reviewed)
Mohan V, Morasso P, Sandini G (2014). Towards Brain guided cognitive architectures. Book Chapter in 'Bioinspired approaches for human centric technologies'. Editor R. Cingolani, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04924-3_7. [PDF]
Mohan V, Zenzeri J, Metta G, Morasso P (2013) In humanoid robots, as in humans, bipedal standing should come before bipedal walking: implementing the Functional Reach Test. K. Mombaur, K. Berns eds.: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Bipedal Walking (COSMOS 18), pp. 145-153, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
De Santis D, Mohan V, Morasso P, Zenzeri P (2013) Do humanoid robots need a body schema ? A. Chella ed.: Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2012, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 196, pp. 109-115, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Mohan V, Morasso P (2012) How Past Experience, Imitation and Practice Can Be Combined to Swiftly Learn to Use Novel “Tools”: Insights from Skill Learning Experiments with Baby Humanoids. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 7375, pp: 1-12.
Mohan V, Morasso P, Metta G, Kasderidis S (2011) Actions & Imagined Actions in Cognitive robots. In "Perception-reason-action cycle: Models, algorithms and systems" (Joint Editors: V. Cutsuridis, A. Hussain, JG Taylor), Springer Series in Cognitive and Neural Systems, vol. 1, Chapter 17, 539-572.
Morasso P, Mohan V, Metta G, Sandini G (2009) Motion planning and bimanual coordination in humanoid robots. In "Computational Intelligence and Bioengineering" (F. Masulli, A. Micheli, A. Sperduti, editors), series KBIES, subseries of "Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications", IOS Press.
Mohan V, Morasso P (2006) A Forward / Inverse Motor Controller for Cognitive Robotics. In "Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2006", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4131/2006, p. 602-611, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg.
III Full Papers in International Conferences
Bhat. A, Mohan, V. (2015) How iCub learns to imitate use of a new tool quickly recycling the past knowledge of Drawing, 4th International Conference on on Biomimetic and Biohybrid systems, Living Machines 2015, Barcelona, Spain, July 28 - 31, 2015.
Bhat,A., Mohan, V., Morasso,P. Sandini,G. (2014). ‘’Connecting experiences’’: A biologically inspired episodic memory for developmental robots. 4TH IEEE ICDL-EpiRob, Genova, Italy.
Cotugngo G, Mohan V, Nanayakkara, T, Althofer K. (2014). Simplifying Grasping Complexity through Generalization of Kinaesthetically Learned Synergies. IEEE-ICRA 2014, Hong Kong.
Mohan V, Sandini G, Morasso P (2013) On the interplay between "learning, memory, prospection and abstraction" in cumulatively learning baby humanoids. Proceedings IEEE 2013 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, (IJCNN 2014), Dallas aug. 4-9.
Morasso P, Rea F, Mohan V (2013) A biomimetic framework for coordinating and controlling whole body movements in humanoid robots. IEEE EMBC2013, Osaka July 3-7, pp. 5307-5310.
Zenzeri J, Mohan V, De Santis D, Morasso P (2012) The essence of being alive is having the freedom to choose ones' Compliance': a humanoid perspective to understand 'tool use' in humans . The Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Science, Kaliningrad, Russia, June 19-23
Mohan V, Morasso P (2012) How Past Experience, Imitation and Practice Can Be Combined to Swiftly Learn to Use Novel “Tools”: Insights from Skill Learning Experiments with Baby Humanoids. Living Machines 2012: International conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid systems. Barcelona, Spain pp: 1-12.
De Santis, D.; Zenzeri, J.; Mohan, V.; Morasso, P. (2012) Solving motor redundancy in the brain: a biomimetic model for action generation and mental simulation. Third National congress of Bioengineering, Italy.
Mohan V, Morasso P, Metta G (2011) What does learning to ‘draw a circle’ have to do with driving, cycling, unwinding and screwing? IEEE Intl CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING, AND EPIGENETIC ROBOTICS (IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2011) Frankfurt am Main, Germany, August 24—27, 2011.
Mohan V, Zenzeri J, Metta G, Morasso P, Sandini G (2010) Learning to draw after observing a teacher: iCub’s scribbles and shapes. Proceed. of the 9th Annual Symp on Advances in Computational Motor Control (E. Todorov editor) San Diego Calif, November 12, 2010.
Mohan V, Morasso P, Metta G (2010) Teaching Humanoids to Imitate ‘Shapes’ of Movements. Proceedings of 20th International conference on Artificial neural networks ICANN 2010, Springer Academic Publishers. Thessaloniki, Greece, September 15-18..
Mohan V, Morasso P, Metta G, Zenzeri J, Sandini G (2010) Teaching baby humanoid iCub to write iCub and beyond. Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Science, pp. 1-3, Tomsk , Russia, June 22-26, 2010.
Zenzeri J, Mohan V, Morasso P (2010) Modeling handwriting: from critical points to shapes. IMEKO ISHF2010, Prague, June 14-16, 2010.
Metta,G; Mohan, V; Morasso, P;Zenzeri, J. (2009) In humanoid robots, as in humans, bipedal standing should come before bipedal walking. 9th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, December 7-10 , Paris, France.
Mohan V, Metta G, Morasso P, Zenzeri J, (2009) Composing and Coordinating body models of arbitrary connectivity and redundancy: A Biomimetic, field computing approach. IROS'2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), October 11 to 15, 2009 at St. Louis, MO, USA, pp. 3537-35.
Mohan, V.; Morasso, P.; Metta, G.; Zenzeri, J. (2009) Equilibrium Point Hypothesis Revisited: Advances in the computational framework of Passive Motion Paradigm. Advances in Computational Motor Control 2009, Symposium at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting , October 16, Chicago.
Zenzeri J, Mohan V, Morasso P (2009) Coordination of focal arm movements and postural stabilization in whole body reaching: a computational model. XIX IMEKO World Congress, September 6-11, 2009, Lisbon, Portugal.
Zenzeri J, Mohan V, Morasso P. Preserving postural stability while reaching beyond arm's length. ISPGR XIX Conference, June 21-25 2009, Bologna.
Mohan V, Morasso P (2008) Reaching Extended’: Using computational force fields for Real and Mental Action Generation in Cognitive Robots. Proceed. of the third Intl Conf on Cognitive Science. June 20-25, Moscow, Russia.
Morasso, P.; Casadio, M.; Masia, L.; Metta, G.; Mohan, V.; Sandini, G.; Sanguineti, V.; Squeri, V. (2008). Bimanual interactions in humans and humanoid robots. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems. Nice, France.
Mohan V, Morasso P (2007) Neural Network of a Cognitive Crow: An interacting map based architecture. Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO) Boston, Mass., USA, July 9-11, 2007.
Mohan V, Morasso P (2006) A Forward / Inverse Motor Controller for Cognitive Robotics. Int Conf on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 06), 10-14 September 2006, Athens, Greece.
Mohan,V. (2006). Dynamic Charge Recovery Logic, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Low Power High Speed Chip design, April 21-24,Yokohama, Japan.
Mohan,V., Joshi, Y.V, Anand, I. (2004). Studies on an Electronic analog of a Recurrent Neural Network with retrieval Phase weight adaptations, Proceedings of Joint IInd Intl.Conf. On soft computing and Intelligent Informatics, Sept 21-24 2004, Yokohama, Japan.
Mohan,V., Udayshankar,M., Chakravarthy,V.S. (2003). Inevitable Energy Costs of Storage Capacity Enhancement in an Oscillatory Neural Network,” Proceedings of 46th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, December 26-30 2003,Cairo.
Mohan,V., Kumar.A., Manmohan, V., Udayshankar,M., Chakravarthy, V.S. (2002). Link between Energy and Computation in a Physical Model of Hopfield Network, 9th International Conference on Neural Information processing, 18-22.
IV Peer reviewed Scientific Reports for Funding Agencies
Mohan, V., Morasso, P., Taylor, J., Kasderidis, S. (2007). GNOSYS Reasoning system. Deliverable 15 of EU Funded FP6 project GNOSYS. Grant No FP6-003835. http://ics.forth.gr/gnosys/ .
Mohan, V., Morasso, P., Taylor, J., Kasderidis, S. (2007). GNOSYS Action generation system. Deliverable 16 of EU Funded FP6 project GNOSYS. Grant No FP6-003835.
Nori, F., Mohan, V., Nolfi,S., Metta, G. (2010) Report on robotic experiments on compositional and hierarchical actions, transition to compositional languages and grounding of abstract categories and self-talk. Deliverable D2.2 for EU funded ITALK project. (Grant No:FP7-ICT-IP-214668) http://www.italkproject.org/
Mohan, V., Taylor, J.G., Morasso, P. (2011) A roadmap for conducting explorative learning using the Darwin robotic platforms. Deliverable D4.1 for EU funded project Darwin (Grant No: FP7-ICT-270138). http://darwin-project.eu/ .
Mohan, V. Zambal, S, Eitzinger,C. (2011) Adaptation of the iCub platform and the industrial platform to support the DARWIN environment. Deliverable D5.1 for EU funded project Darwin (Grant No: FP7-ICT-270138).
Mohan, V., Metta, G. Pattacini, U. Gori,I. (2011) Action generation system: Whole body coordination of EFAA. Deliverable D5.1 of FP7 project EFAA. http://efaa.upf.edu/
Mohan, V., Morasso, P. (2012). Initial reasoning system. Deliverable D4.2 for EU funded project Darwin (Grant No: FP7-ICT-270138).
Mohan, V. Morasso, P. (2012) Body models of the relevant robotic platforms. Deliverable D5.2 for EU funded project Darwin (Grant No: FP7-ICT-270138).
Cotugno, G., Mohan, V., Nanayakkara,T. (2012) Complete Observational learning Architecture. Deliverable D5.3 for EU funded project Darwin (Grant No: FP7-ICT-270138).
Mohan, V., De Meyer, K. (2014) Skill Transfer: Factors and Findings. Deliverable D6.2. for EU funded project Darwin (Grant No: FP7-ICT-270138).
Rea, F., Mohan, V., Morasso, P. (2012-15), Consequences of 'perceptual, motor and cognitive' constraints on postural-focal dynamics, Annual research direction report, NSRDEC, US DoD.
Mohan, V. (2015) Final Darwin Reasoning system. Deliverable D4.4. for EU funded project Darwin (Grant No: FP7-ICT-270138).